Have you ever seen on TV how the jacket of fish moves harmoniously? Each fish observes a clear distance, they never face each other;Moreover, one flock of fish can pass through another without creating chaos. Now imagine yourself driving somewhere on the highway near Moscow at the peak.

Have you ever seen on TV how the jacket of fish moves harmoniously? Each fish observes a clear distance, they never face each other;Moreover, one flock of fish can pass through another without creating chaos. Now imagine yourself driving somewhere on the highway near Moscow at the peak. Ahead is a narrowing of the road, and the speed of movement drops. What is happening? Some of the cars begin to move along the side of the road, trying to overtake others, and after a while it integrates if an obstacle appears. There is a cork.

What do fish have, what is missing our drivers? Moist intelligence, that is, the ability of an animal group of animals in consent to act in various situations. Roal intelligence can be considered the predecessor of altruism. It is based on a decrease in the individual instinct of self -preservation in favor of the survival of the group or type. So, ants-soldiers die in order to save the anthill. If in animals this ability has developed in the process of evolution, then in people a swarm intelligence


can occur in two ways. In a traditional society, the order is supported by external rules that regulate all spheres of life. In a democratic society, in addition to external rules, internal attitudes begin to play an important role when a person can regulate his behavior in accordance with the law.

In our society, the car is still not a means of transportation. This is an indicator of status and a means of increasing self -esteem. The fury that arises in drivers in relation to each other is associated with this. If someone interferes with me on the road, he hurts my self-esteem. This leads to the fact that on our roads there are numerous fights of individuals, often leading to accidents.

How can we achieve at least a fish level of earshole intelligence driving? First of all, each of us should allow the difficult idea that his interests can be sacrificed to the general process. For example, even if you really want to get home quickly, you will have to abandon the idea of going to the sidelines. The second important idea is to allow damage to self -esteem. After all, very often a violation of the order of movement occurs due to the fact that the driver cannot transfer the idea that someone can violate the rules, but he cannot. If we refuse to restore our self -esteem, rushing after the offender, this does not mean that we will become a loser. Remember the sacred rule of three D: “Give the way to the fool”.

Scientists, studying the cereal intelligence in animals, found out: in order to change the stereotype of the behavior of the group, it is necessary that at least 20-30% of individuals begin to behave differently. Then other individuals will begin to adapt to them. Let’s start reckoning with those who are going nearby, and, perhaps, it is we can change the situation on the road.

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